Henry & Hops

Episode 6: Human Extinction! (For Real? For Real.)



In this week's episode, Josh(AKA Juicebox)and Hunter debate an article making the rounds on the internet, which predicts the extinction of the human race within the next hundred years. Get ready for some of the most off-topic stories and discussions to date! Would you like to know extensive details about one of Hunter's childhood projects in Alaska? What do Josh and Hunter think about the authenticity of the documentary "Exit through the Gift Shop"? Do any of these issues pertain to the topic at hand? And did they really go an entire episode without even mentioning Bernie Sanders? Find out, on this week's very exciting, NEW Henry and Hops! (Recorded 7/7/15) A weekly podcast discussing topics related to politics, culture, and beer. Hosted by Hunter Meyer and Joshua Bennett Schwartz (aka Juicebox), Henry and Hops follows two friends as they journey through the world of beer and confront social and political topics that happen to arise along the way. A podcast about life, friendship, and humor, with a l