Henry & Hops

Episode 8 - Tenth Episode Anniversary Podcast



In a very lazy and extremely delayed episode, Hunter and Josh recount the history of their podcast from Evangelii Gaudium (which they still incorrectly call Evangii Gaudium)until now. Welcome to the Tenth Episode Spectacular! As they review beers and share updates on their various adventures, Josh uses the word "like" like WAY too much, Hunter loses energy as the conversation continues, and they both make erratic and irrational claims which now seem slightly immature in retrospect. But their Donald Trump analysis couldn't be more prescient. Enjoy reminiscing with your favorite duo as they continue their habit of talking over each other as they speak! Admit it. It's everything you could have hoped for. (Recorded 8/6/15) A MONTHLY podcast discussing topics related to politics, culture, and beer. Hosted by Hunter Meyer and Joshua Bennett Schwartz (aka Juicebox), Henry and Hops follows two friends as they journey through the world of beer and confront social and political topics that happen to arise along