
#11 Controversial Topics - Are Democratic Governments Compatible with Torah?



What does the Torah and Judaism say about governments? Are there also specific commandments regarding the nations as it relates to governments, the law, and courts that regulate those laws? Please support our work! Donations: https:// www.emunah.com/donate Rav Dror's New Book: https://amzn.to/3fMLYmt Rabbi Michaelson's Book on Kabbalah: https://a.co/d/9gDMdhi Rod Bryant’s Noachide community: https://www.netivonline.org Noahide Foundational Principles: https://a.co/d/fvHVQi2 Judaism for the non-Jew: Studies in Torah Principles for the Righteous Gentile: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09VCJCY6N?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_N67Q6HRVZ3E5CSS4THVP