Keepin It Real With Janean

Self Care Using BioResonance w/ Dr. Deborah Drake



Dr. Deborah Drake has a truly integrative background with degrees in many disciplines of Allopathic Family and Emergency Medicine, Integrative Medicine, Humanitarian Services, Osteopathic, Ayurvedic, Bioenergetic Medicine, and Frequency and Light Therapies. She is the Director of the Department of Bioenergetic Medicine at the Canadian College of Humanitarian Medicine, where she teaches Integrative Health Coach Certification at her online Academy at She is also an author and lecturer and speaks on many subjects including Homeostasis of the Bioterrain, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Detox with Biotechnology, Sleep and Immune Health Strategies, holistic nutrition, Biocrystal Sleep Technology, and Bioenergetic therapies like Quantum Biofeedback, PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy) and Light Matrix therapy. Some of Our Topics: Bio technology gives you a magnifying glass to help understand what is going on with a person Biotechnology can balance you back to the Centerpointe Every molecule ha