Sydney Sexual Health Centre

EP 40 - The Myths of Syphilis



Syphilis has been shrouded in myth and stigma over the centuries. Here in Australia we have been seeing increased cases of this disease that used to be known as 'the great pox' across Europe. Luckily today it is easily treated and cured with penicillin. To tell us more about Syphilis presentations we see here at SSHC we're joined by Dr Melissa Lam. Then to speak more about the history of syphilis, priorities for prevention and treatment in NSW, and some of the current research taking place we speak with Dr. Phillip Read. Host: Thomas Munro Guests: Dr. Melissa Lam(Registrar, SSHC) Dr. Phillip Read (Director Sexual Health and Blood Borne Virus Services, SESLHD) Resources: To stay up to date with the latest information in sexual health, follow us on social media: https://www