Easton Bible Church's Podcast

Episode 9: "You Before Me" Rooted Week 8



Towards the end of his letter to the Colossian believers, Paul brings all he's just written about how to treat one another like Jesus (cf. 3:1-17) into the real world, starting with life at home and then moving outward into the public sphere.And in every relationship, Paul makes it clear we should model our lives on Jesus' simple, yet profound example: you before me.Please note that portions of this week's passage may be difficult to accept because of language that some may consider condescending or offensive. As we consider Paul's words, it's important that we read his words graciously, not going beyond what he says or read our own biases into his statements. Tragically, these verses have been used to justify horrible abuses and injustices that were never God's intention.But when Paul's statements are considered in light of the rest of Paul's letter, as well as Jesus' own teaching and example, a different picture emerges: one of mutual respect and love.More info https://www.ebc.org or call (609.267.4755), em