Engage!: A Family Gaming Podcast

EFG Podcast Episode 298 Nintendo gets Metroid Primed!



Welcome to The Engaged Family Gaming Podcast. This is a show all about the great video games and board games you should play with your family. Introduction: We’re your hosts Stephen, Amanda, Linda, Jon, Jeffrey. Each episode we’ll cover the biggest news in the gaming space that parents should know about! This is Episode 298! The Big News! Amanda wrote a book! https://press.etc.cmu.edu/index.php/product/digital-playground-our-kids-video-games/ We made a magazine! https://engagedfamilygaming.com/board-games/get-ready-for-the-best-gaming-experience-of-2022-with-our-free-digital-magazine/ Upcoming DnD live play`  Nintendo direct news:https://www.comingsoon.net/games/news/1266533-everything-announced-nintendo-direct-february-2023 Video game pricing Board Game of the Week: Marvel’s Age of Heroes Video Game of the Week: Metroid Prime Remastered, Gameboy games Kickstarters (if time) https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/chadelkins/agueda-color-field-and-donut-shop?ref=67shcz https