Amber Leitz

Ep. 157: The Trap of Making Money Without Actually Making Money



We need to talk about why you’re not actually making money, Lover.  It’s a trap I see a lot of women fall into (I’ve been there too!) and I want to help you avoid it, or at least learn some sexy skills to deal with it when it comes up for you.  In today’s episode, I’m talking about the trap of making money without actually making money - why it happens, the pleasure tools you can use to avoid this vicious cycle, and the secret to having and holding more money instead.  I get into: The BIGGEST trap entrepreneurs fall into when they start making money - and how you can avoid it Why I cut back expenses (with intention and without sacrifice!) and what’s happening now The myth about spending more to make more Exploring the factors that affect your capacity to hold more money A deep dive into the skill set of holding (v. saving or spending) 3 reasons why we use erotic energy to increase your ability to have & hold money And more   Sexy Money Codes, my 9-week group program to shift your relationship with money