Living On The Edge Of Chaos

Coffeechug Cafe Episode #1: Passion Driven Classroom



This is not a pristine podcast, but it is real and raw. I don't have a theme song(anyone want to make one?) and the tools I have are quite simple: Audacity and my Mac mic. But the message I deliver is a strong one. A message about Passion Driven Classroom and this is one that has fueled my fire for several months now. I will be speaking on this topic at the WCGTC(World Council for the Gifted and Talented Conference) in August. I have been doing extensive research and also working on some key ideas. As I continue to work the outline of my speech I wanted to do a practice run speaking on passion as well as get started with my new Coffeechug Cafe Podcast series that I have been wanting to create. I figured I could kill two birds with one stone. I would greatly appreciate it if you would give my podcast a listen and give me feedback. I want to enhance this podcast as I go along. I also want feedback on the content. As I work through my presentation and you listen to this podcast I would love to know: 1. Did my pa