Water With Lemon

Depression with Melissa Maimone | Ep. 53



Hey there, ladies! Welcome back to Water with Lemon and thanks for joining in on this week’s episode! This week, I got to sit down with my new friend, Melissa Maimone. We got to talk about her struggle with anxiety and depression and how she has found the Lord in those moments. . I got to have such a life giving conversation with Melissa and finding freedom in having depression and anxiety because we have God who is with you the whole time. I think that this conversation is so important because we live in a world that suffers in anxiety and depression on a daily basis. Melissa’s testimony is so inspiring of how God has really transformed her and taken her from that. We chatted about how you can have a really good life but still struggle with a mental illness. It is so freeing to think that we have a God that carries our burdens when we don’t think we can take another step. I’m so grateful that I got to talk with Melissa because hearing her testimony and knowing that we are not alone in this! Something that wa