Down To Earth: Cornell Conversations About

DTE Analyzes the NIPCC Climate Change Reconsidered II: Fossil Fuels Report



This episode is a doozy! Pam, Danielle and special guest Colin Evans from the Cornell Emergent Climate Risk Lab (ECRL) sat down to unpack the arguments presented in a report on fossil fuels from the Non-governmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC). The NIPCC argues against the evidence presented by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), organized by the United Nations. The NIPCC is a partner of the Heartland Institute. We analyze the arguments laid out in the report and assess the validity of those arguments and discuss the evidence that either supports or refutes the report. There is a lot of information in this episode, but we hope it helps inform the public on the different ways scientific information is presented and misrepresented. If you wish to read the summary report for policy makers you may do so here:  The figure we discuss from the CDC can be found at the bottom of t