Chris Jones Media

Does Leadership involve Storytelling - with Kurian Tharakan



Does Leadership involve Storytelling? ..or can you just boss people around and expect good results? Kurian Mathew Tharakan is the founder of the sales and marketing strategy firm 'StrategyPeak Sales & Marketing Advisors' and a 27-year veteran of the sales and marketing industry. He has consulted for companies in numerous sectors. Mr. Tharakan is also the author of the Amazon Bestseller, “The 7 Essential Stories Charismatic Leaders Tell,” which details how anyone can move people and mountains with the power of story. "When someone loses their way, it is almost always because they have lost their story. When they regain their story, they will regain their way." Your people crave purpose and meaning in their lives. As a leader, your first responsibility is to grant their desire. In turn, they will give you their hearts and minds. Together, you will create a destiny. This is what people like Jobs, Gandhi, Churchill, and Roosevelt all knew. Charismatic leaders seem to possess an effortless ability to influen