Tradcast: The Traditional Roman Catholic Podcast




TRADCAST EXPRESS - Episode 171 Topics covered: Bergoglio's Church of Sinners. Bergoglio and Paganism. 'Cardinal' Arthur Roche and the Theology of New Mass vs. the Theology of the Traditional Latin Mass. Links: Interview with Francis, Vatican News (Mar. 10, 2023) Antipope Francis, Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate (Mar. 19, 2018) Hannah Brockhaus, "Pope Francis: A Christian life based on achieving higher positions is ‘pure paganism’", Catholic News Agency (Mar. 15, 2023) "Francis warns: Traditionalism is ‘Paganism of Thought’!", Novus Ordo Wire (Aug. 5, 2022) For ‘Access to the Sacred Circle of Spirits’: Francis participates in Native American Smudge Ceremony, Novus Ordo Wire (Aug. 5, 2022) 'Cardinal' Arthur Roche on BBC Radio (Mar. 19, 2023) Michael Haynes, "Cdl. Roche says Latin Mass needs to be restricted because the ‘theology of the Church has changed’", Life Site (Mar. 20, 2023) General Instruction of the Roman Missal, first edition 1969, Rorate Caeli (Sep. 30, 2011) "Is the New Mass of Paul VI