Lane Kawaoka

125 - Living the FI dream abroad with Jeremy Jacobson from Go Curry Cracker



Article Link: Text “simple” to 314-665-1767 to download the Hui Google Drive files and the 2018 Rental Property Analyzer For a free electronic version of my bestselling book in 12+ categories text the word ""ebook"" to 587-317-6099. Please help the show by leaving a review: Join the Hui Deal Pipeline Club! Pardon the grammar - I'm an Engeneer, Enginere, Engenere... I'm good with math! ________Here are the Show Notes________ Went on normal path. Got a job after college, house, and fixated on paying off student loans. Aggressively paid down student loans, but motivated by people who retired early. 5 years ago, both quit their jobs, traveling, raising family, and living their dream. Ruthlessly slashed expenses and saved 70-80% after-tax income. Max contributed to 401K, IRA, HSA, and after-tax accounts. Short-term joy = trading years of financial-free opportunity. Actively chose lifestyle.