Aj Jones Live Show

Why Oklahoma and Texas need to stay where they are in the Big 12 and not join the SEC?



As of last week The University of Texas and University of Oklahoma have made it publicly known that they are making preparations to join the SEC. Many SEC fans are wondering why and they have good reason to ask why should we let them in.  Now, from a football perspective one reason why OU and Texas over the last 20 or so years have been the icons and face of the conference especially when it comes to the style of play. OU is the defecto powerhouse of the Big 12 and there is no team in the country has put up the offensive number OU has over the last 4 years until LSU did in 2019 on their way to their national championship. Texas has not been relevant in over 11 years and has changed coaches 3 times and they have also been in championship form since 2009 when they lost the Alabama in the national championship. Now, lets look at the numbers. Oklahoma and Texas combined are 7-7 against the SEC since 2011, but against the SEC Elite they are a combined 0-5. Oklahoma averages 10 wins a season since 2011, but if they