
Episode #15- We are back! Race results, Buffalo Run and Strength Training



Did you miss us? We sure missed you. After an amazing trip to DC we are back and firing on all cylinders. We thought we would start by catching up on a few race results from Moab and Black Canyon. A couple early season races in amazing places. Congrats to those who punched tickets to the "big dance"- Western States 100 and all those who got out.  We had to take a few minutes to give a huge thanks and shout out to Mr. Jim Skaggs from Buffalo Run Adventures for all his support and help through the years. The Buffalo Run is fast approaching and registration closes on February 29th. Don't put it off any longer- register! The island is a magical place to run and the finish line party is crazy fun- plus you can get some amazing Buffalo Stew. We close it out with some tips from our very own Joel Hatch on strength training. He throws out some great advice and helps answer a few questions to get started. Thanks again for listening and don't forget to visit the site soon for some great TrailManners gear! Show Not