Love Your Story

Episode 008 Life is Messy and that’s Okay



Perhaps life is not about having all the answers, but about the journey of discovering them. Martha Beck, nationally renowned life coach, said, “No part of your experience is wasted. Everything you’ve experienced so far is part of what you were meant to learn.” When life is messy that’s a darn good thing to remember. Stories are our lives in language. Welcome to the Love Your Story podcast. I’m Lori Lee, and I’m excited for our future together of telling stories, evaluating our own stories, and lifting ourselves and others to greater places because of our control over our stories. This podcast is about empowerment and giving you, the listener, ideas to work with in making your stories work for you. Power serves you best when you know how to use it. Last week we talked about how we make big things happen and this week we are going to talk bluntly about the messiness of life, and how that messiness is perfectly right. When I was really young, a child, I didn’t know what I wanted to be when I grew up. I couldn’t