Sound Women

SWP7: Charlotte Church sounds like she's on a mission



In this month's Sound Women podcast: • The Voice of An Angel has grown into the Voice of Feminism in the Music Industry: Charlotte Church spoke to me at the Radio Festival, fresh off the stage after she delivered the BBC 6 Music John Peel Lecture (the whole of which is available for download here). She doesn't mess about in urging young female artists not to play submissive, and if the radio industry thinks it plays no part in modern pop's tide of scantily clad music videos, THINK AGAIN. • Louisa Compton thrives on stress, which is lucky since she's the uber-busy editor of 5 Live's daytime content including Victoria Derbyshire, Shelagh Fogarty and Richard Bacon (as well as, ahem, my own Saturday job, Saturday Edition). • Andrea Day, formerly of INRIX, explains how one of the Four Cornerstones of Radio gets made: traffic reports. When you're swamped with real-time information, which is more important, accuracy or speed? And how do you make traffic jams sound interesting? There's a lot more in those bulleti