Pure Soul Alchemy With Gabriella

Liberate Yourself from Chronic Dissatisfaction



How often do you find yourself feeling unhappy with outcomes and circumstances that fall short of expectations? or, Even when you do achieve the outcomes you were looking for, you still feel like something is missing and your victory is somewhat anticlimactic. Or, sometimes, things don’t pan out as you planned and you feel super let down more than is probably warranted. If you notice any of these scenarios and more, or if this happens a lot or is a noticeable pattern, this session is for you.  In our treatment, we will initiate Alchemy operations to assist you to demolish and deconstruct old patterns of dissatisfaction, chronic unfulfillment, misdirected focus of energies and displaced expectations. We will also address some deeper underlying earlier life wounds of deferring gratification and we will annihilate any superimposed invalidation as well.    Join in for this 30 minute soul realignment process! A transmission of channeled healing technologies which restructure your creative source grid.   www do