Ccr Sermons

Confronting Culture-No Shame



Confronting Culture Pt. 3 – No Shame By Louie Marsh, 3-12-2023   4 guilt cartoons   Don’t Be Shamed   1) Shame is the emotion you feel when you know you’re GUILTY.   “29For they shall be ashamed of the oaks that you desired; and you shall blush for the gardens that you have chosen.” (Isaiah 1:29, ESV)   What Guilt Is   1) Guilt is a state of being, an OBJECTIVE REALITY, before God.   10  For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become accountable for all of it. James 2:10 (ESV)   “The Bible words for guilt mean “criminal responsibility in the eyes of a court of law, whether that court is human or the OT & NT the concept of guild is personalized and radicalized through its association with Yahweh, the Father of Jesus Christ.”  (DNTT Pg. 137)   2) Guilt is the consequence of my CHOOSING TO SIN.   23  for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Romans 3:23 (ESV)   3) Guilt is UNIVERSAL.   9  What then? Are we Jews any better off