Hold Up

K-9 (1989)



Welcome back suckers! This week we kick off animal sidekick month, albeit a little late, with K-9. “What’s that?” you think to yourself, “a dog, cop movie or something?”. Good guess genius, that’s exactly what it is, a buddy cop dog flick starring none other than the Belush himself. Not that Belush, the other Belush. Anywho, this thing stars James Belushi, Ed O’Neill, Mel Harris, and Jerry Lee the loveable pup who has a thing for poodle pussy. This thing didn’t win any accolades and likely isn’t in many top 10 lists or archives but it is a dog movie and that’s all we claimed when we did this. So…does it hold up? Listen in as Jon, Colin, and Brent debate peanut butter bribes and the best way to get tail as we do our best to figure out if this flick is a good boi or a K-nein!