Ali Fitness Podcast

Wellness and Your Spine with Chiropractor and Paleo Advocate Dr. Brett Hill- EP017



As athletes, we are looking to achieve optimal performance. And we know that the spine protects our nervous system, which controls every part of the body. Yet many of us wait until we are in pain to enlist the help of a chiropractor!   Dr. Brett Hill is chiropractor and wellness coach with a successful practice in Hazelwood Park, South Australia. As a wellness advocate, he endorses a Paleo approach to eating and living, and his holistic methodology is based on ancestral movement patterns. Dr. Brett is the co-founder of Australia’s leading health podcast channel, The Wellness Couch, and the co-host of both The Wellness Guys Show (Australia’s number one health podcast) and That Paleo Show. Dr. Brett is a sought-after speaker who makes regular radio and television appearances, inspiring people to make drastic changes for the better. Dr. Brett is also an advocate of natural running, and today he shares his introduction to the technique as well as advice around the transition away from structured shoes. Listen in