Ali Fitness Podcast

Neurogenesis and Brain Health with Dr. Brant Cortright- EP019



This is your brain. This is your brain on a modern Western diet. The brain is truly an incredible instrument. We exist at different levels – physical, emotional, mental and spiritual – and our brain integrates all of those aspects into a single experience. But we don’t invest much time in thinking about the health of our brain, and most of us don’t have a clue how our diet affects the development of new brain cells, known as neurogenesis. Dr. Brant Cortright is a Professor of Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco and a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice with a holistic, neuroscience-informed approach to therapy. He is an expert in the area of neurogenesis and brain health and a consultant on stress, anxiety and depression as well as relationship and intimacy issues. The author of three books, Dr. Brant is a highly regarded speaker and presenter in the US, Europe and Asia. Today he explains the basics of neurogenesis, how nutrition impacts the rate of neuro