Ali Fitness Podcast

The Keto Reset Diet with Primal Blueprint Author Mark Sisson- EP024



Humans were born to be good at burning fat. In fact, we have a superpower in that we can change the way our body metabolizes fuel and convert some of the fats in our liver to ketone bodies. As we build metabolic infrastructure over time, our bodies require less glucose—even as we maintain energy and muscle mass and thrive on fewer calories. This improved metabolic efficiency serves us well in endurance sports and enhances our long-term health. Mark Sisson is a thought leader in the Evolutionary Health Movement. He is the bestselling author of The Primal Blueprint and several other books in the realm of ancestral health, and he writes the blog, Mark’s Daily Apple, one of the highest-ranking health resources on the web. Mark challenges conventional wisdom around diet and exercise, encouraging people to take responsibility for their health and well-being via Paleo/Primal principles. A former elite endurance athlete, Mark has a fourth-place finish in the Hawaii Ironman World Triathlon Championships as well as a 2