Ali Fitness Podcast

Challenging Conventional Wisdom with VeloNews Columnist Trevor Connor - EP035



“Take an electrolyte pill for cramping! Make sure to stay hydrated! You’ve got to clear the lactic acid!” Conventional wisdom tells us that cramping is a hydration issue, that we need at least eight glasses of water a day, that the burn we feel when working hard is lactic acid buildup… But today’s guest is challenging conventional wisdom with the latest research, asking you to forget everything you thought you knew about what causes cramps, how much you need to hydrate during a race, and what is really happening with lactate during a tough workout. Trevor Connor is best known as a cyclist, racing in the Pro Peloton for nearly 20 years. Soon after retiring from cycling at 38, he became Dr. Loren Cordain’s last graduate student at Colorado State University, where his research focused on the effects of a Paleo diet on autoimmune disorders. After adopting the Paleo diet himself, Trevor came out of retirement to become the top ranked 40-plus rider in the US. In fact, he is fresh off a 13th-place finish at the Tour