Ali Fitness Podcast

Time-Efficient, High-Intensity Resistance Training with Corporate Warrior Lawrence Neal- EP041



We all know the value of resistance training. Not only does it improve strength, it can reduce our chances of getting injured and help us maintain muscle mass as we age. But how much time should we devote to weight training in a given week? And how do you maximize the benefit if you only have a few minutes a couple of times a week? Lawrence Neal argues that if we emphasize time under load rather than repetition, with a focus on form over duration, two fifteen-minute sessions per week is all we really need to reap the benefits of resistance training. Lawrence is the founder of Corporate Warrior: High Intensity Training and the HIT Business Podcast and Blog. He has interviewed 90-plus world-class HIT and fitness business experts to learn the strategies for success in both health and business. He also serves as a one-on-one coach, helping people realize their own health goals in a time-efficient, effective and sustainable way. .Before becoming the Corporate Warrior, Lawrence enjoyed a lucrative eight-year career