Ali Fitness Podcast

Microbial Diversity and Gut Health with Filmmaker Kale Brock- EP042



  Kale Brock was diagnosed with a heart irregularity at the age of 16. He was given the option to undergo ablation surgery, but Kale hesitated. Wouldn’t it be better to fix the issue rather than destroy a piece of his heart? Instead, he started working with a naturopath to improve his microbiome, and within six months, he had reversed the condition naturally. Ten years later, Kale is an award-nominated writer, producer and speaker with a passion for creative storytelling. His special interest in health and well-being coupled with a background in journalism led Kale to makeThe Gut Movie, a documentary that investigates the human microbiome via his experience living with The San tribe in Namibia. Kale is the also author of two acclaimed books, The Gut Healing Protocol and The Art of Probiotic Nutrition. Today he explains how he reversed his heart conditioned by focusing on gut health, and how that experience shaped his career as a journalist and storyteller. Kale shares his experience making The Gut Movie, disc