Principles Into Practice With Kain Ramsay

Solid Grounds: A foundation for life!



FACTS, FAITH or FEELINGS ... What are the foundations of YOUR life? These three things are absolutely vital in determining the quality of our lives. It’s hugely important that we know something about each of them, but it is even more important that we get them in the right order and keep them there. Most people will generally put their feelings first and in turn make the quality of their feelings provide a basis for the quality of their life, but that's like trying to build the roof of a house before laying the foundation. It just won't work that way! The right order is facts, faith and then feelings. Facts form the foundation on which you build your life; your faith rests upon these facts; and your feelings will come last and come as a result of getting the first two in order. Let's look at these, one at a time. First, facts. What is a fact? A fact is something that is true. For example, two plus two equals four. This is a simple mathematical fact. It is true in the United States, in Russia, or anywhere