Principles Into Practice With Kain Ramsay

Learning how we Learn: Part 2



Many people in the world today live out their lives making their daily decisions based upon the decisions they made about themselves years ago. We develop core unconscious beliefs about ourselves as children; it’s in our childhood we determine our self-worth and value, our beliefs about who we are and what defines us – ‘the Glass Ceiling’ as it were, which often, we will often ‘unknowingly’ allow to cap our potential. These beliefs mould us as humans, and give us the rules we live by. Some might say our core education comes from the classroom - but I’m going to suggest that it doesn’t! We receive our primary education from our family experience when we are children – unintentionally we become conditioned to be who we believe ourselves to be, when we don’t conform to our beliefs, we’re out the comfort zone - and this can often be a scary place to be! I can remember getting taken to the circus with my sister when I was small. I hated the clowns with a vengeance; however the animals always fascinated me – par