Principles Into Practice With Kain Ramsay

The parts that make you YOU!



One way to grasp an understanding of how we are made is to be able to recognise that there are three parts of us, which are all perfectly interconnected. Firstly, we have a material part, which prevents our blood, bones and organs from simply becoming a pile of ‘mush’ on the floor, we call this our Body. However we also have two immaterial parts, which we’d call our soul (where the thoughts come in) and our spirit (which gives us our conscience). The following is my best possible effort at explaining our design and how the Spirit, Soul and Body are all interconnected. Indeed, we are a race of cleverly constructed and highly complex beings! Our Body It’s by our Body that we function. It’s made up of organs and cells, which consist of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Our body contains our nervous system with nerves and the brain. It’s through our bodies that we connect to the physical world with our five senses (seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and feeling). The science is clear. Stress, especially that