Principles Into Practice With Kain Ramsay

Inside Out Living: Part 2



Would you like to experience a deeper clarity of who you are and peace and freedom for within, even in the midst of what may be highly challenging circumstances? The Inside Out Revolution offers an understanding of how life works in a way that turns more traditional forms of psychology on its head. This revolutionary approach explains where our feelings come from (whether good or bad), and how our experience of life can change for the better within only a few moments. Understanding these principles allows you to tap into the deeper intelligence behind life, access your natural wisdom and guidance, and unleash your limitless creative power. You'll be able to live with less stress, greater ease and a sense of connection to the larger unfolding of life. The content of these three video’s have been adapted from the books; The Inside Out Revolution by Michael Neill, and The OZ Principles, by Roger Connors, Tom Smith and Craig Hickman. Are you ready to begin part 2?