Principles Into Practice With Kain Ramsay

Inside Out Living: Part 3



Every day of our lives, we are being constantly programmed (taught, influenced, impacted and conditioned) by the world alongside everyone and everything that lives in it. Our beliefs are always being moulded and manipulated (for better or for worse) by other people in their attempts to have us ‘join their team’ without us even being aware of it. Most of our beliefs are formed over many years, which is why they can become such a firmly entrenched and non-negotiable part of our mental and emotional DNA. And a lifetime of being taught a certain message or philosophy can makes it extremely difficult for us to consider any other degree of reality other than the one we have already accepted to be true. When considering to believe anything else other than what we already do, (another version of truth, an alternative option, a new way of living, thinking, seeing or believing) we’ll often need to question what it is that we’ve believed for however long we’ve been believing it - and this can really take us out of our