The Intuitive Woman

Join Tina & Special Guest Vince Glasser about Transcendental Meditation (TM)



Join Tina and Vince Glasser on Get-INTUIT as they discuss Transcendental Meditation (TM). This meditation technique is incredibly beneficial, universal and accessible to all. Tune in 1pm on Weds. October 5th. Listen by phone 516-387-1936 or computer. Vince discovered the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique, which gave him the rest, rejuvenation and clarity of mind that he so deeply craved and needed.  TM also restored the original desire to help people heal themselves of the problems that accumulated stresses in the mind and body causes,  so he became a TM teacher in January 2000 after six months of intensive training.  Vince returned home from Switzerland where he completed the  TM teacher training program, he started up a local chapter of EarthSave International and, as its director hosted monthly meetings for 13 years.  At each of the monthly meetings he held healthy potluck dinners and educated the members and guests on a variety of topics relating to health and environmental issues via live speakers