The Intuitive Woman

Listening To Your Inner Voice and Finding Your Purpose with Life Coach Samantha Calonita



I met Samantha 14 months ago when she attended my Reiki Course. She was embarking on making huge changes in her life, but wasn't sure how, when or where? Fast forward to today and boy did she ever! She left New York with no job or home and headed south with her husband to Savannah, Georgia. Listening to her intuition and knowing deep down she had to leave NY and change her life. Samantha shares a vulnerable moment that happened on the day of her wedding. It shocked her to her core, but enabled her to move forward to ditch her fear and create the life of her dreams. Samantha Calonita is a Certified Life Coach and Reiki Practitioner. She is a lifelong perfectionist who has been on a journey to redefine success for the modern professional women and allow more ease and adventure into her life. 

Now, Samantha is helping other women do the same through her Life Coaching Practice.

Samantha specializes in working with clients who are ready to: 
• Build their confidence 
• Stop patterns of procrastination
• Ditch th