Amber Leitz

Ep. 153: How to Bring Sex Priestess Energy into Partnered Sex



Connecting to my sex priestess & inviting her into sex with my partner takes our sex from just good or great to sacred, erotic, soulful & holy. And I truly desire for you to have this too, Lover.  In today’s episode, I’m sharing the 6 simple things you can do to bring your sex priestess energy into partnered sex or play so you can connect to that red hot, horny & holy part of you that will light up the bedroom, surprise & delight your partner, and open up infinitely hotter play in your partnered sex.  I get into: The 6 steps to bringing sex priestess energy into your partnered sex What I want you to do BEFORE the play begins How to enter a more sacred, erotic mindset for your partnered interaction Setting the mood & space for this kind of partnered sex Connecting to & harnessing the erotic energy of the sex priestess And more   Join us for the Wealthy and Well Fucked Sex Priestess Masterclass: Mary Magdalene Sex Priestess Tra