Artsy Af

Episode 57- Supersillyus



Rob Uslan is a multi-instrumentalist, producer and satirical t shirt maker. He makes and performs music under the moniker, Supersillyus (@supersillyus) and when this pandemic isn’t forcing us all to stay away from concerts, he sometimes performs with the Supersillyus Life Band using live instrumentation. In this episode we get into the effects of the ol’ pandy quarantine on the music industry; Rob’s pivot to making a living off satirical t-shirts during the lock down, Brand reverence in psychedelic culture and all the spiritual bypassing that tends to come along with it, the idea of false scarcity and a few brutal facts about the music industry. A big thank you to Rob for being a guest on Artsy AF! This conversation was a lot of fun and I think you’ll find it very interesting. PLEASE do yourself a favor and check out the Supersillyus instagram page for some hilariously wearable memes and be on the look out for new tunes that will diverge from the classic Supersillyus sound on Bandcamp in the (hopefully) near