Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

Nehemiah 4:1-6 [Opposition and Me] (Rod Ohmes) - Audio



The book of Nehemiah is ultimately about God restoring His people and preparing them for the fulfillment of His covenant through His Son, Jesus (DA Carson). They were facing opposition, and what they were doing probably looked ridiculous to those on the outside looking in. 1 Corinthians 1 tells us it's the same for Christians today, and yet it doesn't stop them from doing what God calls them to. The additional truth was that what their enemies were saying was partially correct. The Jews were weak in comparison to those around them, and they didn't have unlimited time or resources. But this neglects an even greater truth – God is always with His people and for His people. Nehemiah asked God to do something about their enemies, but God does something in His people instead. Sometimes we can be so busy waiting for God to change someone else that we resist and miss what He’s doing in our own life. In Christ your sins aren’t just covered, Psalm 103:10-12 says they are completely removed