Jasmine's Words Of Wisdom

The Maze Of Our Shadow Self



The Maze Of Our Shadow SelfA quick discussion on how being unaware and denying our shadow aspects. Can become the root cause of our suffering and distortion. As our shadows represent the unconscious nature of our human being experience. The shadows that are represented by our personified beliefs and thoughts. While being experienced by projection through others. As our shadow desperately await to be acknowledged, processed and healed for our soul evolution. As our higher awareness (higher self) guides us through the process of the internal journey of the subconscious maze within our mind. Its mission to create equilibrium while taming the egoic reactions that can become detrimental to the human psyche. Creating unwanted and impulsive behaviors, thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions. That keeps us trapped in the illusions of our own created suffering. As we lack the awareness, understanding, acceptance, and self-love that is needed to overcome our own mental, physical, and spiritual limitations.