Conrad Rocks

Who is Responsible for cleaning the heart? Me or God?



Show Notes:• Is it up to the Christian to clean their spiritual heart?• Guard our hearts with all due diligence.• Fill our hearts with God's Word and focus on loving God and loving our neighbor.• Be mindful of what we allow into our hearts through our eyes and ears.• Spend time in prayer and seek out meaningful conversations with spiritually mature people.• Pursue holiness and constantly be in repentance and a state of repentance in order to draw closer to God and cleanse our hearts. • Develop a spiritual discipline such as reading Scripture regularly and spending time in solitude.• Have friends, family members, and mentors who can challenge us spiritually and help us keep our hearts focused on living righteously. • Actively participate in church, encouraging one another to do what God wants us to do. • Rely on the grace of God for salvation and strive to be pure in heart through prayer and meditation on the Scriptures.Scriptures:Proverbs 4:23: “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues