Coffee With Kim

CWK Guest, Nancy Major, Author of "A Wretch Like Me: A Modern-Day Mary Magdalene Saved by Grace"



Nancy couldn’t imagine in a million years she would ever have the courage to face telling the world about the one ugly, vile secret she planned to die with. The truth of who and what she had been, how it happened, and the grace that saved her on the day her life imploded. Her secret was exposed ... publicly ... by a person bent on revenge. Nancy was shell-shocked and utterly shattered. She wanted to die. No words could explain away or erase what had been announced to the world. She couldn’t see any possible way to live with the guilt and shame of her secret becoming public knowledge ... until God saved her! Nancy will tell her story as it is written in her forthcoming book, "A Wretch Like Me; A Modern-Day Mary Magdalene Saved by Grace" on the next Coffee with Kim podcast! This is a must-watch episode!