Love University

Compulsion Thought Demon: How to Overcome the Never-Ending Chase for Nothing



Have you ever wanted something badly that you knew was no good for you?  Perhaps, you were addicted to a substance, behavior, person, or way of life that was self-defeating or self-destructive. If so, you were probably under the influence of the Compulsion Thought Demon—the damaging irresistible thoughts that compel you to sabotage your life by indulging in unhealthy behaviors and getting involved with toxic people. Fortunately, there is a way to overcome bad habits, addictions, and compulsive behaviors that you can’t control. On our Love University Podcast, we learned powerful ways to vanquish the Compulsion Thought Demon so you can pursue a healthy and satisfying life. Here’s what we discovered: *Give Your Desires an Upward Turn. When you feel overcome by an overwhelming desire for something harmful (e.g. staying in a toxic relationship), you will give your desire an upward turn. In other words, you will transform your unhealthy desire into a healthy and uplifting one. In the relationship example, you wil