Brussels Sprouts

Marking One Year of the War in Ukraine



As we approach the one-year anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the reality is setting in that we are facing a drawn out and protracted conflict. Both the United States and Europe are grappling with this reality, and it is likely that Russia is grappling with this reality as well. This special edition of Brussels Sprouts includes a recording of a live CNAS event from Wednesday, February 22nd. The first half of the discussion will feature a panel looking at the battlefield dynamics in Ukraine, including what we should expect and what Ukraine requires to restore its borders and its sovereignty. A second panel will then dive into the nature of ongoing Western support, including views from Europe and the United States. Jeff Edmonds is a Research Scientist with the Center for Naval Analyses’ (CNA) Russia Studies Program and an Adjunct Senior Fellow at CNAS. His research focuses on the Russian military, foreign policy, Russian threat perceptions, and Russian information and cyber operations. Rob Lee is