Eco-business Podcast

Mosquitoes, sun dimming, and the lives at stake



Solar geo-engineering, the process of spraying aerosols in the sky to block the sun’s light and heat, may seem far-flung, but some scientists believe we could need the technology sooner than expected. And sooner than we are prepared for it. Recently, non-profits The Degrees Initiative and The World Academy of Sciences awarded US$900,000 in grants to 15 research projects in developing countries that look into how artificial sun-dimming would affect their communities. Studies include modelling the sea level in Benin, water deficit risks in Cameroon, and hydroclimatic extremes in Malaysia. The idea is that the Global South, where climate risks strike the hardest, must know what the risky technology means for them, and be able to make informed decisions on its use. In this podcast, Eco-Business speaks to Prof Athar Hussain, head of the Centre for Climate Research and Development at COMSATS University in Islamabad, Pakistan. He is leading a study on how solar geoengineering would affect the spread of malaria in