Deborah Kobylt Live

Jordan Matthews, Author, Failure: When You Have Nothing You Have Everything



Jordan Matthews is a high-profile attorney, former actor, and author, “Failure: When You Have Nothing, You Have Everything,” and this book may have very well changed my life. Jordan speaks very personally about grief and tragic personal events, interwoven into an incredibly successful professional career, and he talks about failure, a lot, and how it’s actually failure in life that brings on clarity. It’s nearly impossible to spot as hard times are happening to us, but they really are lessons to bring us to the next level, whatever that may be. Please join me in welcoming Jordan on our show today, and invite your friends, too. There’s a lot of wisdom in what Jordan has to say, something familiar about it, too. Thanks for tuning into #DeborahKobyltLIVE, I’m your host, #DeborahZaraKobylt