Hold Up

Fearless (1993)



In 1993 a strange thing happened—a dirty and unkempt Jeff Bridges or “The Dude” wandered out of a smoking cornfield with a baby and towing a small boy behind him. Confused? That’s because it’s the opening of the Peter Weir directed movie FEARLESS. Bridges plays Max Klein, a man who survives a plane crash and starts to believe he’s invincible. He ponders if he’s dead or a ghost and occasional walks into traffic, takes walks on skyscraper ledges and does some highly questionable things behind the wheel of his 92 Volvo . Naturally his wife Laura (Isabella Rossellini) is upset and confused by his erratic behaviour and makes it all about her. Not cool. Max also finds friendship in Carla, (Rosie Perez) another survivor who lost her baby, affectionately known as Bubble, in the plane crash. Together. Max and Carla try to figure out how to cope with survival guilt and buying Christmas Presents for the dead in hopes they can get back to the land of the living. The movie gets a 85% on Rotten Tomatoes and Jeff Bridges co