Gain, Grow, Retain Podcast

Changing metrics and strategies | CS Leadership Office Hours



-- If you'd like to join CS Leadership Office Hours, sign up here: -- Customer Engagement Modification:More human touch has been inserted into most companies tech-touch segments. Further segmentation by industry, region, etc has been deployed to support customers that are experiencing business disruption For booming industries, the lessons learned from tech touch have been applied up market to address the influx of new customers. Messaging to customers should be owned jointly by the marketing team and Customer Success, as CS has a pulse on what their customers need at the moment. Salespeople that normally focus on new logo acquisition can support the CS efforts if their pipeline is freezing, but a consideration for CS and Sales comp plans should be taken into account. Changing Metrics and Strategies:Decreasing time to value during the onboarding phase has become necessary for companies that are experiencing higher volumes.We heard examples of decreasing TTV by 75% and by