Gain, Grow, Retain Podcast

Sales transition and tools for collaboration between customer success and product | CS Leadership Office Hours



What % of churn happens because of over-selling or poor client onboarding, and what process/tools are used to solve this? Organizations need to incentivize looking for long term goals instead of short term revenue Potential ideas to help when working with sales:For the good customer (within ICP), Pay more incentives; while for customers who are not within ICP, the Sales team gets fewer commissions. Align compensation to milestones of the customer journey Commission variable according to Customer adoption and LTV Commission linked to the payments received from customers (cash in the bank account) Focus on business cases during the sales-to-success transition Are you really getting to the root cause of the churn? Find out and document the churn reasons within the CRMTake it to the leadership level: All the departments, Be it marketing or sales should make their effort into the right direction. Do a Success Analysis: Find out which of the existing customers are churning and which ones are successful. What ar