Gain, Grow, Retain Podcast

Leading indicators for churn | CS Leadership Office Hours



-- If you'd like to join CS Leadership Office Hours, sign up here: -- What are the leading Indicators of churn that you're looking to Identify? Relationship breadth Relationship quality Engagement (product, community, content) Industry / Use Case Fit Business Health Presence of Competitor Product & Support Performance How are you tracking customer health and risk? Mainly built Into tools like Salesforce with custom objects Automated aspects Include product-level data and survey responses to a particular contact or account record CSMs are Inputting notes from calls and tracking engagement from key stakeholders How have they changed In the past 60 days? Looking at daily trends of data rather than rolling averages to understand very quickly what Industries may be affected COVID-Risk assessment to assess the risk within each Industry - then deploying playbooks for each of the Industries Executive sponsor outreach has led to productive conversations -- This podcast is bro