Gain, Grow, Retain Podcast

Marketing strategy and metrics need to adapt within B2B SaaS | Chris Walker, Refine Labs



We have Chris Walker, the CEO of Refine Labs, who has focused his career around the future of demand generation. His firm takes a firm approach to leading growth-stage SaaS companies. We sat down to talk through the relationship between marketing and sales within this environment. Some key highlights: -- Retention is generally a metric that is placed upon the CSM (who may not have much control over it). This should really become a business metric that even sales and marketing are held to. -- Companies have to change their mindset about creating content that is valuable instead of creating content to try to drive leads. If you create valuable content then It can be used In multiple channels. -- We're hindering the performance of our marketing teams because of the metrics we put on them. This leads to designing a sales and marketing process that aligns more with our process rather than the buyer's experience. -- Big companies have not been adopting new marketing strategies because of 3 main reasons: