Gain, Grow, Retain Podcast

Be the quarterback in B2B SaaS w/ Jake Dunlap



Jake Dunlap, CEO of Skaled Consulting, drops by the podcast to talk more about the alignment between Sales and Customer Success within B2B SaaS. He drops some tactical advice for our customer success leaders. Some show notes... Companies can be organized and Incentivized on things that are counter-Intuitive to the customer experience The Customer Framework - start with the customer In mind, then build the framework to support around that Incentivize sales teams around the retention and renewal - helps to align the team to selling the right deals and ensuring customers can achieve outcomes Customer marketing needs to be a quarterback of communication and tied to retention driving activities Customer success Is used as a reactive function focused on maintenance; need to change the mindset to be proactive function focused on growth 3 common mistakes of early SaaS; Underinvesting In Sales Operations Roles and Hiring Profiles Segmentation and territories Get depth In your relationships -- If you want to joi